On Portrait Mode: Meet Gina Johnson — The Fine Art of Skincare

Gina Johnson knew she wanted to do something with her life that dealt with both beauty and with helping people. Twenty years into a hair styling career, she learned about becoming an esthetician — a profession that would transform her into a skin care specialist — and knew it sounded exactly like what she’d been wanting to do. 

A Dream Achieved

At the time, however, she was expecting her daughter to be born, and there was no school for becoming an esthetician anywhere close to Tifton. Yes, she could have gone to Savannah or Atlanta, but it was not feasible at that point in her life. Thus, Johnson concluded that she had no choice but to put the idea on the back burner. Then, one day, her cousin called her and shared the good news that Wiregrass Georgia Technical College in Valdosta had an esthetics program. Within one week, Johnson was enrolled in the program, and she graduated about four years ago. Today, as the owner of The Fine Art of Skincare, Johnson said she never dreamed she would love the business quite the way she does — making others happy feeds her soul. 

Gina Johnson is one of a small group of nationally certified estheticians in the state of Georgia. The National Coalition of Estheticians Association (NCEA) was founded by Susanne S. Warfield in January 2000. According to Warfield, “The NCEA Certified credential is awarded to those who have met the advanced training standards equivalent to a Master Esthetician license. Attaining the National Esthetician Certification is the highest voluntary credential in the United States — raising the standards of our profession beyond entry-level licensure. The NCEA Certified credential signifies the value and credibility for consumers in determining the expertise and training of an Esthetician.” 

Learn How Skin is Unique in its Needs

Johnson pointed out that the “latest and greatest” in skincare trends often brings ladies to her door asking questions. Women come to her and say, for example, that they want to try microdermabrasion because their friend did it or they read about it in a magazine. 

“But microdermabrasion is not for everyone,” Johnson countered. “In fact, no one thing works for every client; each person’s skin is different.”

It’s important to remember, she added, that commercials for skin care are just what they are — marketing schemes to sell a product and make a profit. Over-the-counter products at drugstores are, at best, ineffective and, at worst, harmful. When using those types of products, individuals really have no idea what they are putting on their skin. Meanwhile, online makeup representatives are paid by their company to sell products, but the companies do not always educate reps about the various types of skin, nor about what the skin needs. Despite this, the reps appear to be knowledgeable. It is a genius marketing scheme that so many fall victim to, and it bothers Johnson to know that her own clients are duped by these companies. 

“I don’t sell skincare; I show you what you need to take care of your skin,” she noted. “How are you going to know what your skin needs unless you have a professional actually guide you?” 

Due to using products erroneously, many clients come in thinking they may be transforming their skin overnight. However, skin is actually improved through progressive, corrective treatments that require the guidance of a professional. 

Prior to doing any type of service on a new client, Johnson has the person come in for a thorough consult. She goes over health history and current medications, and the client’s goals are then discussed, which Johnson is primarily concerned with. Some, for example, may have facial scarring that they feel is a part of them and have no desire to correct. Various skin goals might include improvement in texture, scarring, uneven skin tone, “orange peel” skin or dull and lifeless skin. Essentially, clients can trust Johnson to expertly recommend treatments that are specific to personal skin type and personal goals.

Or Just Get a Facial

And what if you simply want to treat yourself to a rejuvenating facial? While some estheticians do not do “fluff facials,” Johnson puts great importance on relaxing, especially in this fast-paced and stressful society we live in. Of course, stress also plays a huge part in our skin not being at its best. So, while Johnson provides treatments, she also provides de-stressing and is a proud proponent of the “fluff facial.” Facials and facial massages have all the “good stuff” to improve skin and to make it glow, at whatever age you are. At The Fine Art of Skin Care, the facial is incredible. Johnson blessed me with one, and it was just what I needed during my own stressful time. With the dim lighting, the intoxicating music and the facial itself, it was the most relaxing experience I have had in a long time.

Products of Note

Johnson offers many other services, including facial massages, non-laser permanent hair removal, enzymes for sensitive skin, and Rezenerate. 


Epilfree is a non-laser permanent hair removal system for anybody at any age, even children. It is 100% natural and works on any hair color and texture. Epilfree is great for people who have sensitive skin that lasers could potentially harm.

Hale & Hush

Hale & Hush is a skincare line for sensitive skin. It is great for people with cancer, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and lupus. It is anti-aging and helps to reduce redness. The lotions contain SPF and come tinted and untinted. There are no toxic chemicals as there are with many sunscreens. 

Rezenerate NanoFacial

Many are satisfied with the skin products they are currently using, and that is where Rezenerate comes in. It acts as an infusion catalyst and increases the effectiveness of whatever products are currently being used by the client. Clients say that they can see and feel a huge difference after incorporating Rezenerate into their daily routines. 

Written by: Michelle Wilkerson  |  Photography by: Brandon Pham

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